Anamar Orihuela

Transforming The Wounds Of Your Childhood
(Transforma las heridas de tu infancia)

Commercial Non-Fiction

Publisher: Aguilar

Publish date: 09-01-2016


ISBN: 9786073147187

For children, life is a constant search for knowledge and stability, discoveries and big emotions. Their environment affects their physical and mental development in various ways as they receive an education, love, understanding and values and may also be burdened by repressed feelings, family violence, destructive models, and pain.


This book offers readers the best tools for alleviating those childhood wounds that affect our adult habits and decisions. With acceptance, love, understanding and the ability to assume responsibilities without guilt, fears become clarity; resentment becomes tolerance; and anguish becomes boundless love. Here readers learn how to face abandonment, humiliation, and rejection, and come away with convictions of how to be happy and move forward decisively.

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