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Graphic Novel
Publisher: Sudamericana
Publish date: 03-01-2016
ISBN: 9789500755061
Troche’s drawings are done by hand and little material—a bottle of ink, a brush and water. That’s all he needs to hypnotize his readers.
Like a songwriter, he just needs a single instrument to fill the hours with magic. Men and women, tightrope walkers, violinists, trees, birds, lanterns, rain, stars, and shadows all live within his pages. They interact with us silently and we, for a moment, feel we are part of the metaphor. Later we aren’t so sure, but it doesn’t matter. Sometimes that’s how pleasure works. His drawings go beyond him, and they speak, to him and to us, of unfathomable things. The universe of this little-known, brilliant author is poetic, deep and subtle.