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The Man who Knew How to Die
(El Hombre que sabía morir)
Historical Novel
Publish date: 06-01-2017
ISBN: 9789500758123
When a young millionaire disappears in Cancun, a man who had changed his identity after a plane crash in the 70s decides that it is time for him to reappear.
Based on real events along with others that are less verifiable, Bonasso suggests that David Graiver, a fearless Argentinian businessman and banker, didn’t die in that 1976 plane accident. Graiver laundered the ransom money obtained by the Montoneros (an urban guerrilla group active in Argentina between 1970 and 1979) from the kidnapping of the Born brothers, heirs to the richest family in Argentina.
The unfortunate fate of his family after his presumed death (disappeared, tortured and jailed in order to seize their assets) is novelized in this book. But Bonasso builds on that episode, using it as a starting point for a fast-paced, addictive plot in which Narcosatanists, CIA spies, and the Cuban government do battle.