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Sport is the worst! (School Sucks #2)
(El deporte es lo peor (¡Abajo el cole! 2))
Children and Young Adult
Publisher: Alfaguara
Publish date: 04-12-2017
ISBN: 9788420485959
When you’re Hugo…
- You’ve won the basketbal championship with your Friends and you all go to a luxuty resort which turns out to be a dodgy campsite.
- The coaches’ plan is to make you run and do stretches until you want to throw up. And they’ve also confiscated your mobile phones!
- Your best friend discovers the Lost Clue of a legendary treasure hunt with a prize of MILLIONS, but you need to solve it in the six days of the camp and without anyone finding out. It’s as if your head now has a countdown clock!
- Your archenemy is an idiot and lets the girl that you like go, giving you the opportunity of a lifetime.
- And everyone thinks that you, as well as being small, are also obsessed with making lists, although it’s obviously not true at all…