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Love is Hunger
(El amor es hambre)
Literary Fiction
Publish date: 07-10-2015
ISBN: 9786073131292
Artemisa is a freethinking confident young woman who thirsts for new experiences, which she finds in a tourist enclave of beaches, sun, lovers and fine food. At the age of four she walked in on her parents making love; they joyfully incorporated her into their sexual enjoyment. This early awakening into a free, erotic environment, which Artemisa explores first with her parents and then with her stepfather, leads her to an awareness of her potential, her body, her senses, and turns her into a great chef and owner of the Wolf Heart restaurant. Artemisa’s self-reflections lead her to find similarities with other nymphets, including Alicia Liddell, Lolita and Little Red Hiding Hood. El amor es hambre is an erotic, transgressive novel whose subject is risqué and highly controversial, and whose execution is impeccable.