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Explicit content. An American trilogy
(Contenido explícito. Una trilogía americana)
Literary Fiction
Publish date: 01-01-2017
ISBN: 9789588979366
When violence, humor, squalor and love unite to provide an idea—as sincere as it is harsh—of the place a man occupies in the modern world
A motorcycle trip to Alaska turned into an epic journey through the American continent and a daring literary project: three short novels that unreservedly examine US culture, illuminating its most complex and obscure aspects.
Shotgun Zen, a devastating portrait of a young peasant fleeing justice along with his autistic brother who, one fine day, axed their parents to death.
Mojave Flowers follows in the footsteps of a thug sent by the Catholic Legion of Decency to recover a compromising script in 1930s Hollywood, where censorship and debauchery duke it out for control of the streets.
The Future, portraits a motorcycle racer who risks his life and his sanity in a desperate search for glory, at the brutal racetracks.