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Nina & Nim. A Muddle of Whiskers (2)
(Nina y Nim. Un lío de bigotes)
Children and Young Adult
Publish date: 03-10-2016
ISBN: 9788448844196
A brand new Series for young readers starring Nina, a 6 year old girl and her invisible friend, a large pink rabbit named Nim. Nina wants be a reporter, to discover the truth about things and live exciting adventures. Nim is the perfect friend: a funny, playful prankster… and pink! Although, sometimes, Nim has a melancholic side: he knows that one day, when Nina will grow up, she will forget him… But until that happens, there are lots of adventures and mysteries waiting!
Friendship is not something you can go looking for, instead friends are just found: like Nina found Nim, or was it the other way around? With Nina and Nim’s endearing and fun adventures, readers will discover that the world of imaginary friends is full of real magic!