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The Torres in the Kitchen
(Torres en la cocina)
Commercial Non-Fiction
Publisher: Plaza & Janés
Publish date: 03-03-2016
ISBN: 9788401017315
The Torres brothers offer home cooks a delicious adventure of healthy, unpretentious flavors that rival the finest restaurants. Cooking is an art that takes time, but it is a pleasure we should practice every single day.
Sergio and Javier Torres started learning how to cook as close as their home, but took their learning experience hundreds kilometers further to work with prestigious chefs like Philippe Rochat and Alain Ducasse, in Paris and in restaurants as Plaza Atenée (each recognized with three Michelin stars). Along their career, they have also experienced the kitchens of two Michelin stars restaurants as Neichel, Akelarre, Le Jardín des Sens and El Racó de Can Fabes; and Reno (one Michelin star).