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The Oesterhelds
(Los Oesterheld)
Biographies and Personalities
Publisher: Sudamericana
Publish date: 07-01-2016
ISBN: 9789500754620
The Eternaut is an Argentinian science fiction graphic novel often interpreted as an analogy of the coup d’états that Argentina went through.
This is the first book to tell the story of the family of the creator of The Eternaut, Héctor Germán Oesterheld, wiped out by the dictatorship that kidnapped and killed also his four daughters and their husbands, and disappeared his grandchildren. This book tells of the lives of the Oesterhelds, a very special family in the northern part of Larger Buenos Aires, cultured and refined, whose daughters were educated at Northlands and ended up becoming revolutionary Peronist militants until their disappearance.