Flavita Banana

That's the Thing about Love
(Las cosas del querer)

Biographies and Personalities

Publisher: Lumen

Publish date: 02-02-2017


ISBN: 9788426403520

Simple illustrations filled with personality and a sense of humor that breaks down preconceived notions, in this book Flavita Banana interprets and illustrates sixty positive and sixty negative desires of today’s «everywoman.» Narrated by a female character who, in Banana’s typical style, is brimming with feisty charisma, strength, and humor yet drawn in just a few brushstrokes. The artist pokes fun at clichés and questions some of our society’s preconceived ideas about women, everyday life, and relationships. An illustrated book that will amuse readers while making us reflect on the age-old question of what women want.

All women wish that every day were Friday (just like everybody else does), but they also wish that dangerous curves were limited to mountain roads, hope against hope that their last day on earth isn’t spent as a couch potato, and yen for biological clocks with snooze buttons.

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