Ruperto Long

The Girl Who Watched The Trains Depart
(La niña que miraba los trenes partir)

Biographies and Personalities

Publisher: Aguilar

Publish date: 04-01-2016


ISBN: 9789974736528

A chilling novelized true story about an era in which xenophobia, persecution, war and migration converged.

In the 1940s, in a world battered by war, Charlotte, an eight-year-old Belgian girl, disappears from Nazi-occupied Liège, leaving behind her happy home and childhood. Along with her family, she is fleeing persecution, living terrible misadventures, and staying out of sight in squalid hideouts in various towns and cities. Her uncle who is forced to work in one of the ghettos that Hitler ordered the Jews confined to, must face an extreme ethical dilemma.


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