Luis Montero Manglano

The City of Holy Men
(La ciudad de los hombres santos)

Commercial Fiction

Publish date: 01-01-2016


The third installment of the trilogy. A codex written in a strange alphabet, called the Rossignoli Codex, is stolen from the National Library of France, in Paris, and Tirso and Agent Lacombe are on the case. Tirso discovers that the thieves’ «modus operandi» is suspiciously similar to the methods used by the National Searchers Corps, and that the codex is the manuscript Tirso found when he was looking for King Solomon’s Table. This time, it is not only the survival of the Searchers Corps that is at stake, but also Tirso’s very life and the lives of his loved ones, not to mention the control of an unfathomable power hidden in the ruins of Cibola, a mythical city founded by seven monks who had a divine vision.

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