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Feminism for Dummies
(Feminismo para principiantes (Cómic Book))
Publisher: Ediciones B
ISBN: 9788466662734
After the success of Feminismo para principiantes—which has sold more than 30,000 copies in Spain—Nuria Varela launches the picture book version of her most sold book, with illustrations by Antonia Santolaya.
Who were the suffragettes? Where does radical feminism come from? Why do people refer to Marxism and feminism as a marriage gone wrong? Why feminism has been vilified and ridiculed? Why have feminists been treated as «tomboys,» ugly or sexually dissatisfied women? How and where does the term «gender violence» arise? What is the relationship between feminism and traffic accidents? What is masculinity?
From these questions, and many others, the author reviews three centuries of making and undoing the world and conceiving fascinating leaders, and narrates the adventure of a social upheaval that no other movement has managed to maintain for so long.