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The Red Sneakers Club 6: The World is Ours!
(El Club de las Zapatillas Rojas 6. ¡El mundo es nuestro!)
Children and Young Adult
Publish date: 09-10-2015
ISBN: 9788490434529
The Christmas holidays are here, but Marta must stay in Berlin, missing all her friends in Barcelona. But the girls have an idea: since Marta is not at her best, they’ll all go spend new year’s in Berlin! Will their parents let them go? Surprising, they all agree, with one condition: they must earn the money for the trip. The girls decide to work at a shopping mall. All except Lucía, who has been punished by her parents and has to work at a soup kitchen. Since Lucía won’t earn any money as a volunteer, she will have little chance to travel with the others…