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The Brain Snatcher
(El ladrón de cerebros. Comer cerezas con los ojos cerrados)
Literary Non-Fiction
Publisher: Debate
Publish date: 04-06-2017
ISBN: 9788466339445
Pere Estupinyà strikes again seeking out the most brilliant minds in order to steal their knowledge, their experiments, and their visions of where the world is headed.
Of course, we are interested in knowing where we come from and what our place in the universe is but we also want to understand where we are going. The Brain Thief reminds us that having a predisposition for learning, reflecting and absorbing new ideas makes us more intelligent both as a society and as individuals. Pere, who has been a Knight Science Journalism Fellow, at MIT, and has worked at the National Health Institutes, in Washington DC, shows us how important critical thought is to our lives and how scientific thinking can help us to improve and make better decisions in our daily lives.