Raquel Díaz Reguera

When Girls Fly High
(Cuando las niñas vuelan alto)

Picture Books

Publisher: Lumen


ISBN: 9788448849023

A poetic and light story with Raquel Díaz Reguera’s classic narrative style and beautiful imagination.


Martina, Alicia and Jimena are three girls dreaming of spreading their wings, but the Dreamsnatchers gang has filled their pockets with stones so they can’t fly.

Martina is as light as a feather. She loves to fly around her room, roaring like an airplane. She is sure that she would be the best pilot in the whole world.

Alicia is as round as the dot on the letter i. She always runs up the stairs of her house three at a time because she is in a hurry to hug her beloved violin. She knows that when she grows up she will be a great violinist.

 Jimena is very quiet. She spends her day among books, like a bookworm. She never goes anywhere without her notebook and likes to write and imagine the most amazing stories. She is certain that she will become a famous writer all over the world, or even further…




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